Friday, June 20, 2008

Dance Recital

Last night was Avery's dance recital. At the risk of sounding proud, I must say that Avery was the cutest kid on stage. I was very impressed to see her confidently march out leading the rest of her class. Up until last night she had informed me she was finished dancing. (As if she has a choice. Apparently she's too young to notice me living vicariously through her. She's already signed up for next year). To my relief, however, she informed Chad and I on the way home that she wanted to continue dancing so that she could be in the Nutcracker just like her cousin, Andie. (I was not looking forward to dragging her kicking and screaming to dance all next year). That was a proud parental moment for Chad and I. It's always nice to see your children show a little ambition. We'll see how long it lasts.
Anywho, without further ado, heeeeerrreeee's Avery (and Quinn-an honorary dancer. She was signed up to dance, but petered out half way through the year. But not until after her overly-priced costume had been purchased...naturally.) Oh and just in case you are wondering, they put on Disney's Aladdin. Avery is obviously a little genie and Quinn was supposed to be a monkey. I'll try to upload video asap. I'm sure your all on pins and needles about it.


brittanyc said...

So the genie music was a nice touch to the "Aladdin" dance recital post :) Darling girls!!

Liz Morrey Romrell said...

Those are some pretty dang cute overpriced costumes!