Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sunburned, I mean kissed, In St. George.

This past weekend the ol' man set out for a boys weekend in Seattle, so rather than sit at home moping I decided to sit in the car for four hours and mentally mope all the way to St. George.
My sister and her family were heading south for the long weekend, so I figured I would tag along.
Now, having just taken a thirteen hour road trip not long ago, I was a little hesitant to attempt the journey alone, without any back-up...even though some was offered (Thanks Michele for offering up one of your precious own to accompany me, but I just didn't have the heart to make a poor innocent soul endure the four hour long car drive with my four wild monkeys).
To my surprise the trip down wasn't bad. Perhaps it was due to the fact that I brought my trusty, old I-POD along. I just cranked the sucker up to full blast and cruised...totally oblivious to the shenanigans going on behind me. Ahhh, ingorance really is bliss.
Saturday we spent the day at the lake; just like the good old days. It was tons of fun sitting on the beach, admiring all my cellulite, whilst eating nothing but crap. Oh, the irony.
I failed to participate in any extreme activity while there, unless eating counts. But some of the spry, young folk knee boarded and wake boarded. The little ones had a good time playing in the water and on the beautiful red sand beach (FYI, red sand may be fun to play in, but it is hecka hard to get out of clothes).
Boating has always been "our" family activity. Growing up, some of my fondest memories are of going to the lake and swimming and skiing and getting pulled on the tubes. It has been a while since the whole fam has partook, partaken...whatever, participated in this beloved activity from the past, but I certainly hope it isn't a while until we do it again.
Sunday, the entire family, went to Nikki's ward to listen to Austin speak. It's always a joy to listen to Austin. He talked about the last six months he spent in China studying. For those of you who don't know Austin, he's totally rad...and totally my nephew. He got home a year ago from a "mish" to Taiwan. After six months at college, Yale to be precise, he went to study abroad in China. This kid is totally the "shiz", I mean, he had President Hu (that's the chinese president) come visit him at his dorm room.
I could boast on and on, but I'll stop. And just FYI, my whole fam is the "shiz".
Oh, and church was great.
Later on in the day we dined on BBQ'd ribs, and chicken parts... all thanks to Nikki and Max (another "shiz-a-listic" nephew. He's bound to be the next Bobby Flay. Yum yum.)
The evening was topped off with a few other family favorites...The Dictionary Game, What If, and Would You Rather. Good times. Don't worry Al, you don't have cankles and Richard isn't really your dad. But it sure is fun to joke about it.
Thanks to Nikki and Matt for the usage of their boat and thanks to Courtney and Mandy for the usage of theirs. And thanks to everyone: Clare, Alicia, Alex, Taylor, Lindsay, Mason, Nikki, Matt, Austin, Max, Tayana, Kendyl, Cam, Gary and Michele, Court and Mandy, Kelly and Andrea for making this past weekend hecka fun. I laughed my big (from all the crap snacking) @$* off.
See ya all at Christmas?

Ken and Cam. What a couple'a hotties.

Taylor and Alex. More, fresh-faced, young hotties.

The Miller Clan: Nikki, Austin, Zak, Matt and Max.

Ummm...some Cuban refugees? Nah, just my family.

Ashlyn, the mermaid...NOW SING.

Fun in the sun..and sand.

Rachel the mermaid.

Hey look kids...Molly's nipple (No, I am not being crass...geographically correct).

Ainsley and Ivy...what a couple'a cuties.

See what gluttony can do (Notice the smaller fish sticking out of the bigger fish's mouth. It was quite the attraction). only child not terrified of water.

Little Ali...sooo cute. I may have to have another baby just to borrow her darling swimsuit.


Unknown said...

These pictures are awesome!!!! I think we need to have a blogging party for sure!! My mom really needs a blog, she has a quite the following.

Malea said...


You say it's your birthday
Well it's my birthday too yeah
They say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to you

Yes we're going to a party party
Yes we're going to a party party
Yes we're going to a party party

I would like you to dance (birthday)
Take a cha-cha-cha-chance (birthday)
I would like you to dance (birthday)

I would like you to dance (birthday)
Take a cha-cha-cha-chance (birthday)
I would like you to dance (birthday)

You say it's your birthday
Well it's my birthday too yeah
You say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to you

Anonymous said...

What? Like this can compare at all to cold night and mesquitos?? Glad to see you had a trip with sun and sand. Those are the best. Great story!!! Happy Birthday woman!

Liz Morrey Romrell said...

You're too funny, Erika. I love reading your blog - it's very entertaining!

megan b. said...

oh my heck I have been laughing at your post for about five minutes now! I didn't know you had a blog and I think it is going to be my new addiction. You are hilarious! I wish we could have gone to the lake with you all last week.