Wednesday, October 15, 2008


It appears that I inadvertantly shared a little private info before I was supposed to. So, everyone please dismiss the "baby ticker" post. Forget you ever saw it. I'll repost it again in three months when we are out of the danger zone.
Don't ask me how one accidentally posts breaking news like this without knowing about it. But, leave it to me to find a way. It appears "pregnancy brain" has struck again; extremely early on. I think my case is terminal.
Good thing were have a little extra room as it appears we will be needing it sooner than we thought.
And, thanks but no thanks. (I know what you are all thinking...if we need someone to sit us down and explain our birth control options. Surprisingly, this incident was planned...sort of. Don't worry I won't explain.


Liz Morrey Romrell said...

Congratulations! I know you're not out of the "danger zone" yet - but it's still great news!!

Anonymous said...

holy smoly. congrats. the world needs more cute people anyway. :O)

Emily N said...

Oh goodness- that is amazing! Congrats to the umpteenth degree. I am so dang happy for you! Chad told bill he had news, and then we thought it was the house. i'm so happy there was more to the news. Congrats again!

Grandma Cindy said...

I'm so excited for you. I am learning to check your postings frequently, because the news is fast and furious.
Love, From Grandma of 11

chel wakley said...

Congrats that is so exciting. And your blog is adorable. All this new news so fun for you and your darling family.

Kedra Simpson said...

YES!! Chad actually told me it could be a possibility. There are so many exciting things going on for you guys right now and we are extremely happy for you!! I was afraid that by the time I started having kids that there wouldn't be anybody for them to play with...I am glad that I was wrong! Congrats!!!

Emily said...

Yea--I clicked onto the blog, saw the ticker in the side bar and thought "Holy Cow! Did I miss something?!" So, congrats congrats, and I'll try to forget about it for the next three months and be surprised then too. Love you guys!

Malea said...

Wow, you are officially a big freakin' mormon family momma, and I couldn't be more proud of your new "grown up" status. How exciting!

Amy said...

Lots of big news, girl! Congrats! I too will act surprised when the announcement is official. :)

6deans said...

Wow Erika- When you make changes you really make changes. That is super exciting about the BOBBY!!! When are you due? I am glad you are going to brave the 5 kid are a great mom.